Report that tells the story of Jose Souza, one of the survivors of the biggest shipwreck in Amapa, which occurred in 1981.
Follow-up of the most accessed report on g1 AP in 2021. Arthur died after choking on a plastic bottle cap.
Report on Enem coverage. Gabriela and Gabriele took the test in the same room and dreamed of studying medicine together.
Report with entrepreneurs who looked for different items to stand out at Easter, even in times of crisis.
Report about a pregnant woman who gave birth inside a ride-hailing car, on the way to the maternity ward.
A report about the military police officer who was shot dead in front of his own son. The case gained widespread coverage throughout the state.
Author page
Report on the discharge of one of the species of electric fish in the Amazon, after an accident in a municipality in the South of Amapa.
Report about a ukrainian who lived in Amapa and had no news about his son, who decided to stay in the country to fight in the war.
Report about a child who campaigned to donate Easter eggs to his classmates who were in a socially vulnerable situation.
Report on the wait of cancer patients for adequate treatment in the public health network in the state.
Report on an unpublished photo shoot produced on the Equator Line, in the capital of Amapa.
Report on scientific expeditions to analyze the effects of giant tree species on environmental conservation.